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Sports Management

This guide provides resources for undergraduate research in Sports Management.

Use the Destiny online catalog to find books in the Shaw-Leslie Library.

It is also possible to search the full-text of eBooks by accessing the ebook databases in GALILEO. 

Too many results? Narrow your search by adding a keyword.

Original Search    Narrower Search
Sports sports education, school sports, sports rehabilitation
Physiology sport physiology,  human physiology,  exercise physiology 


Not enough results? Broaden your search by taking away keywords or looking for synonyms.

Original Search    Broader Search
Anabolic steroids               steroids, doping in sports, drug abuse
Elbow injuries sports injuries, athletic injuries, sports medicine 

Borrowing Materials via ILL

Interlibrary Loan supports the teaching and research of faculty, students and staff associated with Emmanuel University by obtaining materials not available at the Shaw-Leslie Library. One place to locate items outside of the EU library is to visit WorldCat, a collection of catalogs from university, college, and public libraries in the U.S. and abroad.

Before submitting an Interlibrary Loan request for a book, please check our catalog to see if we have the title in print or as an eBook. If the book you desire is not available, then please include as much information as you can on our ILL form. InterLibrary loans for books typically require a one-week arrival time.