Databases contain online versions of newspapers, magazines, journals, encyclopedias, dictionaries, and book chapters. When searching databases, you can be more specific with your keywords for a more precise list of results. You can search within the title, abstract, or full text of the item. The hardest part of searching databases is knowing which one to choose. The EC list of databases offers brief information about each resource. You can also search for databases by subject to help you more easily select appropriate databases.
Find scholarly articles and other information related to Christian Ministries by logging into GALILEO to access these databases.
Atla RDB is an index of articles, reviews, and essays in all fields of religion and theology, and offers significant breadth and depth of subject areas and languages covered.
Contains a selection of multidisciplinary eBook titles representing a broad range of academic subject matter. Over 119,000 titles are included in this package, and titles are added to the package each month at no additional cost. All titles are available with unlimited user access.
These are open access databases. No password is needed to locate the full text articles found here.