Wired.com hosts several technology blogs on topics in transportation, security, business, new products, video games, the "GeekDad" blog on toys, creating websites, cameras, culture and science.
WGAE’s Digital Media Education Program created a series of video clips that you can access from your computer. The clips cover transmedia production, digital journalism, web television, branded content, making the transition from traditional media to digital, targeting and mobilizing audiences, and more.
Online tutorials for a wide variety of media development tools. Some free tutorials available; subscription required for access to the entire library of video teachings.
Beatsuite.com is a production music library that provides thousands of high quality, royalty free music tracks for media and creative professionals across the globe.
Music that can only be used offline for in-class presentation. This site has music organized by CD volume, style and "feel" in 10, 20, 30, 60 second and longer lengths. This music can NOT be used for web presentations. See SMS for music that can be used on the web.